Golang, x.509 certificates and otherName

In the wonderful world of infrastructure, there comes a time when you will need to run commands on a remote server. Be it because you need to bootstrap your agent on some remote VM or bare metal machine, or because you need to do some post-deployment configuration, using an Ansible playbook. For the most part, you’ll probably want to use SSH to run those remote commands. SSH has become ubiquitous and is even available on Windows Server 2019, which means that you can use the same tooling to run your scripts on both Linux and Windows.
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The start of something new

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now. The main motivation for this is that I want to have a written record of things I am passionate about. As part of my job, I go through a lot of documentation taking up hours of my time. It is a requirement for anyone working in this fast-changing and dynamic industry. In most cases, all those hours of reading documentation, boils down to being able to understand what you need to do, making a plan, and implementing that plan to accomplish your goal.
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